Should you be one of the millions of women that get their hair straightened or smoothened, you are aware that there are many different techniques used to get the perfect look. But how do you know which treatment is right for you? Below are a few informative notes to consider before choosing a treatment.
The Difference Between Straightening and Smoothing
One of the most common misconceptions is that chemical hair straightening and keratin smoothing are the same thing. Hair smoothing is a temporary treatment whereas chemical straightening will permanently alter your hair. The keratin smoothening process involves saturating the hair and following by drying and styling with a flat iron to keep the hair in a straight position. This process is ideal as it uses enriching chemicals that are not particularly damaging, creating results that last anywhere from 2 to 6 months.
Chemical hair straightening, or relaxing, is a permanent process that will break the bonds in your hair and give a straight look to the curliest hair. The process involves using heat and chemicals to seal the newly formed bonds in the hair and keep it permanently straight.
Find the Right
Option for You
Although both options are effective in getting the
result you are looking for, hair smoothing using keratin treatments is typically
ideal for most hair types. As stated above, this process uses gentler chemicals
and is not permanent. This treatment will leave your hair frizz free and will
give it the healthy look you are hoping for. With the keratin method, our team can
give your hair the style and health it may be lacking.
Next time you are looking for any keratin smoothing treatments, call us today to schedule an appointment at either of our two convenient locations located in Spartanburg, SC or Boiling Springs, SC. We look forward to seeing you soon!