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Caring for Your New Lash Extensions - 6 Tips

Eyelash Extensions Spartanburg, SC

Whether you just got your new set of gorgeous lash extensions or are just planning ahead, these 6 tips will help you make sure your new lashes stay in tip-top shape and look stunning every day.

Avoid Getting Your Lashes Wet

In order to let the adhesive dry properly, try to avoid getting your new set of lashes wet (that also includes sweat)! Avoid steamy environments such as hot showers, spas, and saunas. If it’s hot and humid outside, try to stay out of the heat.

Try to keep your lashes as dry as possible for the first 24-36 hours to allow the adhesive to cure as strongly as possible.

Brush Your Lashes Regularly

In order to keep your beautiful lashes looking great, be sure you are regularly brushing them with a spoolie. Brushing them will keep them from clumping, and will keep them looking nice & neat. Lightly brush them throughout the day to keep them looking their best.

Be Mindful When Cleansing Your Face

While you don’t have to keep your lashes entirely dry when washing your face, trying to can extend the life of your eyelash extensions. You can cleanse your face regularly, just be cautious around the eye area. Any oil based skin products should be avoided as they can break down the bonds of the glue, so make sure you are using oil-free products especially when it comes to eye makeup removers. You can also use a Q-tip dipped in micellar water to gently clean around your eyes.

Don't Forget to Clean Your Lashes

Although you have to be wary when it comes to getting your lashes wet, it is still important to clean the lashes themselves in order to prevent dirt and debris from getting in your eyes. You can use a safe lash extension cleaner and use your spoolie or lash wand to brush through your lashes. Alternatively, you can rinse your lashes gently with very diluted baby shampoo. Use 1 tablespoon of baby shampoo mixed in one cup of distilled water, once a day.

Wear Little to No Mascara

The beauty of having lash extensions is that you will wake up with natural looking, full, and long lashes without having to apply any mascara. If you choose to wear mascara on occasion, you can definitely do so - just try to make sure you are using a mascara made for lash extensions, and one that is water based. Apply one coat of mascara lightly, and only to the tips of your lashes.

Maintain Your Lashes

Just like any other touch-ups such as waxing or hair coloring, your lashes will also require some regular TLC. Try to make sure you are getting refills every two to three weeks to keep your lashes looking fresh, full, and even. If you wait too long to get a lash refill, it is possible that a new full set may be required.

If you have any more questions about caring for your lashes, or you would like to schedule an appointment for custom eyelash extensions designed for you, reach out to us today! We have locations in Spartanburg & Inman, SC!

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